Magnified Universe (by Neeti Sinha)

The mission is to generate scientific awareness on how we exist relative to the universe, and to understand and communicate how, in scientific terms, the uttermost space-time, which includes our own perceptivities, manifests and evolves. Talks on the nature of all-encompassing reality (from scientific and besides scientific perspectives), write-ups in forms of the books and articles, and informal communications and discussions on the related topics are all part of the mission.

The Subject
The subject utilzes scientific knowledge, but the subject itself originates and exists in a broad range of fields, including Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Medicine, and Subliminally. We are addressing the all encompassing texture by which the Universe and the "consciousness" exist and streams.

Accessing the Ultimate Reality
Advanced scientific fields provide unwavering clues on how the universe exists and operates, and how we exist relative to the universe, when we take into account the role of mind, or the "perceptivity." Among all the scientific subjects, mathematics seems to be a single one that can solely reveal the hidden truth of what lies beyond what we see, and how the space-time structures and continues. The mathematical concepts can illustrate why the universe appears the way it does. Physics corroborates these meanings in a most astounding way. When we take into account the role of mind, the fields of mathematics and physics can show how all that exists converge into the Ultimate Lanscape. The Ultimate State pointed out by enlightened beings can be understood in scientific terms as well. Over and above, in such an integrated view, some of the scientific perplexities that we currently face apparently and naturally fade out. From cosmic expansion to the quantum theories of strings, every theory and concept in physical sciences not only reflects the way humans exist as a part of the space-time continuum but also, in an integrated view, direct us to see the correctness of different scientific concepts and empirical observations.
A glimpse into the Ultimate Reality
A Slide show

A brief introduction to the subject

The slideshow above will give you a trans-dimensional glimpse of scientific connectivity of direct and beyond direct realms of the universe. This slide show is a preliminary introduction on how entities of the universe, including that of conscious field, exist as a part of the Grand Scheme.
The document following the slide show is a preliminary introduction to the subject - "Our Connectivity to The Universe". Stunning facts on this subject materialize upon combining information from three sources i) Mathematics, ii) Physics, and iii) Mental plane.
Press release
The Ultimate Universe & Our Perceptions
- Current undertaking and about this initiative
- The Ultimate Texture or the Streaming of Outmost Space-time by the Order of different Scientific Fields
- The Ultimate State of Enlightenment or Self-realized Beings
- The upcoming book: The Universe and Us, Putting all in the same Context.
- Our existence: A Grand Dream State?
- About Neeti Sinha
- Publications
- Academic background
- Contact
- Ask yourself
The communications are designed for all audiences, from academic to those who do not have advanced degrees or even science background. If you are interested in this subject please contact (for a talk or just an informal discussion).
Neeti Sinha
Entities of the universe and the mental plane are existing in the language of mathematics.

The above banner highlights the presence of a human through the quatum to the cosmic worlds. The spherical illustration surrounding the human is a mathematical object Calabi-Yau manifold. The Calabi-Yau space beautifully explains multi-dimensions beyond the dimension of three that we perceive. The Calabi-Yau space is also illustrative of string theory (of quantum physics), which proposes to unify all the mass-energy forms with all the universal forces. The new subject here addresses how human as an entity is a part of the quantum as well as the cosmic realms.
Copyright @ 2014 by Neeti Sinha. All rights reserved.