"Shunya, the Void, is not just symbolic."
The Nirvana Upanishad
The Saravasar Upanishad
Self realization is acknowledging the span of the Watcher, residing alongside, but independent of, the entities of space-time, including the ones of the emotional plane.

Although the presence of the Watcher on the other side of space-time is directly acknowldged by seers, or enlightened beings, the two subjects- mathematics and physics unwaveringly support the existence of the span of Watcher/Observer, but only when different observations and concepts are seen in a unifying way. By the overarching scheme, mathematics and physics also bring forth fine details of how an all-encompassing universe, including the Observer, continues and evolves. So, while the seers point to an independent span, the intricacies of mass-energy framework and its functions can be best understood via science, with inputs from philosophy and metaphysics in hand.
Neeti Sinha
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